Beet pulp granulated

Dried pulp - a pulp which has undergone drying in the pulp drying plant of the sugar factory. In terms of chemical composition, such a pulp does not differ significantly from raw material, and in terms of nutritional value it is equal to wheat and rye bran.
Beet pulp is a by-product of the beet sugar production process, which is a desiccated beet shavings (80-82% of the weight of processed sugar beet with a solids content of about 6.5-7.0%).
The chemical composition of fresh beet pulp contains (in dry matter) about 45-47% of cellulose, up to 50% of pectin substances, 2% of protein, 0.6-0.7% of sugar and about 1% of mineral substances, vitamins and organic acids are present.
The main direction of using beet pulp is its use in diets of feeding cattle meat and dairy.
Beet pulp is a good feed for cattle and for nutrition is comparable to silage from corn. It is advisable to feed it to animals in combination with enzyme preparations or enzymatic probiotics because of the relatively high content of cellulose.
The period of production of beet pulp: August - February with peak output in September - November.
To increase the feed value and shelf life of beet pulp, as well as the possibility of its transportation to significant distances and use in the production of mixed fodder beet pulp is dried. In particular, these qualities are effective in granulating dried beet pulp - the cost of transportation is reduced by more than five times.
According to the conditions of transportation and storage, granulated beet pulp is similar to grain, and is an inexpensive feed for dairy cattle. Dry pulp can be used directly in the feed, pre-soaked in water in a ratio of 1: 3 or in the composition of feed to 10%.
When granulated to beet pulp, molasses can be added, which increases the strength of its granules and increases the feed value.
Dried beet pulp gives a pleasant sweet taste to mixed feed, which contributes to intensive consumption by animals.
In combination with other feeds, dry beet pulp can replace up to 50% of barley or oats in rations of cattle, providing an increase in the increase in their weight or milk yield. Beetroot dry beet pulp digests not only cattle, but also other types of farm animals.
Main quality indicators:
- Operating humidity: max 14.00%;
- Sugar content: max 9.00%;
- Diameter of granules: 9-11mm;
- Ash content is max 5.00%;
- Destroyed granules: max 5.00%;
- Arsenic: max 2mg / kg;
- Cadmium: max 1 mg / kg;
- Lead: max 10 mg / kg;
- Mercury: max 0.1 mg / kg.